Sunday, January 24, 2010

Baby Hunting Clothes What Is Something So Small That People?

What is something so small that people? - baby hunting clothes

They made me feel really stupid or Embaressed?

I thought I had a post here how I related baby!

I was in a group of parents, and we got into a discussion about baby clothes.
I did when I got in line, and he told me he loved to hunt on eBay to buy new and used clothing, and almost everyone agreed, except for a young mother.

She told me, and unfortunately, I quote: "So many things you have a brand? In all?"
This girl is a few months older than me and your son is, of course with all new, expensive brands, so blessed
(How, I have no idea they are unemployed!)

I really hope it does not mean leaving the more materialistic and harsh, but it bothers me that this meant that the purchase of second-hand clothes, dresses or outside of eBay, it has something to look forward.

I made this since I was small, and probably will continue, so their opinion does not affect what I do, it comes at the time.

I felt very ashamedfor I am (so far can be so proud!) to all the agreements, we have seen, clothing new and used, then it is discussed only closed off completely.

I am very sensitive, it is a bit watery.

Therefore, against the background of my history, has anyone else have any stories to share?
Regardless of whether the baby?

Thank you!


Lon said...

I spoke with the people in the ghetto for the rich. afford and people who can really rich, designer clothes on display can not put their child did this and think. I just found out that those who are very insecure people who feel the need to more than offset by the purchase of expensive things, and often can not afford. It's too bad that he made with your baby. The next time you ask how their debt.

mama t! said...

Well, I wrote a check to the store and the lady asked me my identity. "said the expiring soon, do not forget to get a new one" and said: "I wish that could not hold the man, he says, I'm only 130 pounds, he wished that I could stay and the weight (I am 7th month pregnant, it was) a joke, and go "haha yeah right.

.... ummmm

mama t! said...

Well, I wrote a check to the store and the lady asked me my identity. "said the expiring soon, do not forget to get a new one" and said: "I wish that could not hold the man, he says, I'm only 130 pounds, he wished that I could stay and the weight (I am 7th month pregnant, it was) a joke, and go "haha yeah right.

.... ummmm

blooming chamomile said...

Ugh. What do you remember ... Woman! What's new? It was like, "Hey, I work hard for my money, and I will not spend the 3 hours wages on a pair of jeans. I'm sure you would not understand it. Or, you could by a cheap and outside" Not My poor son. It's so private. Maybe you could use a few free? I take donations.

take a test said...

I'm too sensitive - I can relate - too many stories to even begin
But in its history - it would be embarrassing if I
How long a child can really integrate into a specific team - not to mention laptops, how long they stay clean and say maybe
is absurd, money (to spend on things that do not often buy for me because it is charged to a waist for a single name)
You do not feel too bad - everyone right on their side? If you are looking at you, she got the nose down, because that is the way in the air,

USAF wife # 2 due in june said...

my son does not mark things unless someone buys. Although the additional resources that we had a month, so you wouldnt get brand. A bceause could be something to do with money than to find a family, maybe take a trip one day, and some have two to go, not to 50 because the pay for a team that lol just spend a few months too!

A story --

I am also very sensitive.
My husband was deployed, and my grandmother was just at the same time my son was 8 months for an hour, so I can achieve some results. So I went to the post office to send a package with my husband and I for 20 minutes in the queue. I finally got on the table and told me I needed to send the equipment out. He then pointed behind me and told me that I had to go and that the field, and then fill out this and that (he told me so hard) and then told me that I had to stand in line again. At that time there were only about 15 minutes to take my son back, before my grandmother has to go, it goes without saying that he was still to get the package. by the factThat was so rude and basically said that eventually, and left me with eyes full of tears. All I wanted to do was a care package to my husband, who was in Kuwait to send, and this lady made me feel so bad. I never saw again the post. I began to say to one of approximately 20 minutes and the man, he gets a lot of people in this post, because the lady is so rude.

Edit - Mom - Poor! surprised at what he did was to go home, if someone my son would a spoiled child everything we needed in the face lol have taken strike calls. Wow, I can not believe someone actually said that about 6 months, which means that starve. The mother always knows best! Im sorry that happened to you, baby.

mama said...

Oooh, I so angry when they are unemployed, are on display their expensive tastes, and look forward to people who are financially wise and a sound financial decisions (eg spending $ $ and not on the labels and trademarks).
she was rude and immature ... It's disgusting.

my story:
I was at a family gathering recently for the first time my family was 6mths has collected my son.
my baby is happy and social, with both his life and all seemed to enjoy playing with him and embraced him. After playing 3 hours, gave his "I'm hungry" His gray. I picked it up and gave him a feed. After his return to play again - all smiles and blow raspberries. Since my uncle told my aunt (right next to me) "that the child can not learn to tell the child what you gotta do. All you have to do is make noise and will be fed. He is a spoiled child. "

WHAT? 6mths old is spoiled because I fed if he was hungry?
Needless to say that we went home shortly after the hearing that remark, and I cried in the carlike the house ...

Dalton's Mommy & Kaiah due 2 said...

I agree with you. I buy clothes on eBay for my son and he is very well dressed. Babies clothes so fast that it is buying a waste of money, new everything. Do not let it disturb you, this is what came to be superficial. I am very proud of how much money can I save on eBay and it is my BF. I have things like Petit Ami, Ralph Lauren, Tommy, clothing, etc. 10.00. I regret that you did not bother to remind all of us are mothers themselves.

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